Find Your Flow.

I’m Kelly, an intuitive energy worker and healer. I’ve always been guided by my intuition and it has served me well in other professions along my path. Once I learned how to guide and strengthen my abilities, I felt called to use my skills to help anyone find balance and to stop repeating the same tired patterns. There is power in discovering how your energy field helps or hinders you as you walk through life. Like the sister you wish you had, I can help you step into that power and align with your highest self. Check out what others have been saying after readings to decide what is right for you.

I’d love to support you on your journey and look forward to meeting you.


“Kelly was great! Made me feel very calm and was great in helping me understand the process and what she saw in my energy. I walked away feeling very calmed and protected. It was like a weight lifted off of my shoulders when we were done and I felt lighter in my steps.” - Emily, Midlothian, VA

Are you feeling stuck in the same place?

Not sure what your next steps might be?

Wondering what wound is holding you back?

Do you find yourself constantly repeating the same things over and over again? Need a little guidance? Those patterns are tricky to stop re-living and until you figure it out, things will be harder than they have to be. I am only truly interested in guiding you on your journey to finding happiness and aligning with your highest self. Helping others has always been what makes me feel complete.

It’s so much more joyful when things go smoothly.

That can happen when you live in alignment.

Virtual Aura or Energy Readings and Healing

In a 30 or 60-minute virtual session, I’ll help you determine what you need to let go of and what you need to feel more fulfilled. I’ll read your energy and help you determine your next steps with grace. And you never know- pets and your dearly departed Great Aunt Lucy might pop through.

I’m still delighted and surprised by this daily.

I can’t wait to see what pops through for you!

Book a reading today!

Once you’ve paid, you’ll receive a link to schedule.

What To Expect

After you purchase a session, you will receive an email with a link to schedule your reading. After you schedule, you’ll receive a confirmation email, along with reminders, that includes all of the details for our session. Be sure to read this email thoroughly and make a note of the link and time. We will meet up virtually and spend a few moments getting to know each other and setting expectations for our session. Please make sure you are in a safe space and will not be interrupted. If there is something specific you would like to focus on, please let me know before we start. I suggest wearing comfortable clothing and sitting in a comfy chair, with your feet on the floor. It’s a good idea to bring a notepad and pen, so you won’t forget any key takeaways. You should also plan to have a glass of water for after the reading.

People who haven’t experienced this type of reading always have questions and I get it. The short version? I read your energy in the layers of your aura, which loosely correlate to your chakras. Make sense? No? Let’s take a step back and try this another way.

Energy can’t be created or destroyed, it just is. You know when you walk into a room where people have been fighting and it feels uncomfortable? Or if you walk into a spa and suddenly feel relaxed? That’s the energy I’m looking at, but on a much deeper level with much more detail. Don’t just believe me, check out what people are saying about their reading.

I can’t wait to work with you!

“I haven’t had my energy read in a very long time and it was such a treat. Not only did she help me identify areas in my life that were no longer serving me, but my childhood dog came through! It was so much fun, I'll be booking her again soon!”

- Marni, Baltimore, MD

The Crystals

Every crystal or crystal necklace is meant to support you on your spiritual journey. Each stone was hand-selected based on its appearance and energy signature. All crystal necklaces are minimally wrapped in gold-toned, silver-plated metal to show off the best quality of the stone.

All crystals and stones are ethically sourced.